Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Walking Dead

After Jason's birthday I couldn't talk or write much. I was sad. Jason turned 19 sedated and zombie like in his hospital room. A smile came thru here and there with a lucid moment. Nothing really normal. The Parkinson's like effects of his medication affected him thru out the day. It broke my heart more to watch him tremble. I needed a minute because that dark well of hurt and depression kept begging me to take a dip.

I prayed a lot. Thanked God for his life and forced myself to be grateful for everything.

I felt like The Walking Dead...

Ever watch the show? And you see these little pocket of survivors and you try to figure out yourself how you will do it? Then like when they found the town and they met more people, good people- that sigh of relief that enveloped us all?

There's a group. A support group. A group of people with exactly what Jason has, filled with people with similar experiences or the exact same stories. The group is over 2000 strong with these fearless and fearful people all looking for answers, questions or just comfort.

I started this blog because I couldn't find anything. Nothing relatable. Nothing useful that showed the human side of this thing. So far I had only met one other mom who knew what this pain was. And as much as it breaks my heart to know this, I have a little comfort now. There are others out there, at different points of the disease.

I found a town.

They are all on Facebook.

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