Monday, February 8, 2016

Laughter IS The Best Medicine

I don't have that mom that offers to watch my kids. I don't have a dad I can go to for money. I don't have that close network of family members who bind together and create a unified front in times of tragedy. I have a few.
Don't get me wrong - I have a few amazing cousins and aunts who go above and beyond the call of family. But to fill in the cracks and fault lines where crucial family members are missing in between- I have been blessed ten fold with friends. These amazing fucking friends who I don't talk to nearly as much as I like. Or get to visit nearly as much as I should. But we love each other to the point that they know energy. They realize through absence and contact that something is not right with me and they hear the call for help and pick up the baton and handle it. My friends Kevin and Maribel put together a benefit for Jason. Something to create a buffer between his medical bills and me. This is hard and in more ways than you can be told. It takes a toll on everything and tries to drown you. But my friends won't let me drown. They banded together with my friend Yesy, who bought in Richie, and all of a sudden there was a comedy show with elegance and delicious food and beautiful center pieces and raffle baskets.

For the first time in almost 4 months I laughed. Not a polite chuckle or snicker to conform to the group at work or in public. But actual laughter. The sound foreign to my own ears. When I looked to my left Carmelo was laughing too and it felt so good to feel normal for a minute.  This disease makes you sub-human. It makes you animalistic. You live a life where you have this dirty secret you don't tell anymore because people are tired of hearing about it. If you keep giving bad news people lose hope so you only tell the good and you hide your fears because no one can be sad this long.

200 people showed up to the benefit and that was an amazing site to behold.  200 people woke up in Antarctica with me Friday morning when the snow decided to flex and I thought I would be there alone. 200 people cared enough and bought awareness to this POS disease who I am going to continue to fight against until it's done. Well after Jason is better I will be in this. I don't want anyone else to go through this. This time was enough. 

Thank you God for blessing me with amazing people. Thank you God for allowing me in my quests to find amazing family.

Thank you.

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