Wednesday, May 11, 2016

So How Is He?

The infamous question. The one more people ask me, and even more people are afraid to ask. Right now? Jason is alive. Thankfully better than he was last month or the Month before that. But no where near where he should be. He has gained weight. Even has a slight pouch in his gut.  No longer is he looking like a Holocaust victim. His hair is a little longish because now he protests when I try to shave his head. He needs a haircut and a shave but even in his drug induced stupor won't allow me to do it because "you always fuck it up!" He said to me the last time I tried. I laughed hard at that declaration. The little prick who picks his nose and farts so lethal you have to leave the room is worried about how his hair is being blended in.

I shut off his phone for 90 days because it's difficult for him to communicate. He tries desperately to reach out to his friends but I know it's painful for them. I know it is. He gets so excited at them texting him back or talking to him that he loses his thoughts. His communication comes out jumbled and incoherent until he is too frustrated to continue. 

The best I can give you is that he is coming along. Steadily. And in the end he will win. I am not bullshittingn about that. I won't give u a completely different altered Jason and try to sell him to you as the real thing. In the end when this is over we will have the real Jason. I will just need a lot of help filling him in on all the time he has missed. 

Please continue to pray4JAson

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