Sunday, April 17, 2016

Legos and Kisses

This disease is a pain in the ass. Jason is coming along. He has moments where you can actually talk to him. He wants Legos sets and spends nice amounts of time patiently putting them together. He wants to pick up, hug and kiss his little brother and sister.
Then when Bruce Banner Jason is tired of playing nice the Medically subdued Hulk shows off. Then he goes off on tangents and has moments that he really doesn't understand. You almost think he is faking. You almost want to stay stuck in the moment where he seems to be acting like the biggest asshole and flip the fuck out on him. But then he changes and you stand there dumbfounded wondering how the same kid who just called me a "bitch" has tha audacity not to flinch and ask me if I can buy him a pair of sneakers. It's the effect of the disease. While Jason is coming out of this, and will come out of this 100% the psychosis is the last to go. His brain is swollen. A swollen brains presses On all sorts of areas on the brain depending where the swelling is. For Jason he shows aggression sometimes and he talks fantastical. In his mind we are still
In October and for him that is a blessing and a curse. He doesn't remember the illness. He doesn't remember the near misses with death or the insane days and nights that I lived. I am grateful for that. He also does not accept that we are in April. In his mind it is the day after he got sick. His brain not clear enough to process too much passed that. I thought it might be and I allowed Him to have his cellphone. Unfortunately, that did not go over too well. For those of you he contacted and didn't make sense, forgive him he honestly doesn't know what he is doing. He is trying to function normally but he is still in the back end of throes of the disease. 
For the rest, visitation can begin as he tolerates. No one sick or recovering from
Illness as Jason is currently immune surpressed. Reach out to me for details on visitation if you're interested.

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