The Delusions have overshadowed progress. No matter how many coffees I make or cinnamon buns I give out to the staff at Rehab it could not stop the inevitable. The current specialist won't pursue more treatment. It makes me wish I could administer it myself. We were sent to ER for a better treatment plan and he will be admitted. Lumbar puncture was done, bloods have been taken and we are getting more aggressive treatment. This is a good thing right? Tell me it is. Tell me everything I do is guided by the Almighty and it was pre-destined to be. That is what I have to believe. My amazing job I am going to lose over this. My younger kids barely know me anymore. I am running up more debt Than I know how to handle. But I have to hold on to the fact that in the end all my loses will be for the one gain of getting the Jason I had before Oct 18, 2015 back. It has to. Please tell me it will be?
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